Can we sell someone else's product if they haven't patented it or trademarked it yet?

Things You Need to Know...

The answer is NO. It is generally not legal to sell someone else's product without their permission, even if the product is not patented or trademarked. Doing so may be considered copyright or trademark infringement, or unfair competition. It is always best to seek permission or a license from the rights holder before selling or using someone else's product.

If a product is not patented or trademarked, it does not necessarily mean that it is in the public domain and can be freely used or sold by anyone. The product may still be protected by other forms of intellectual property, such as copyright or trade secret laws.

Copyright law, for example, automatically protects original works of authorship, such as literature, music, and artwork, as soon as they are fixed in a tangible form. This means that if someone creates a unique product, they automatically own the copyright to that product, regardless of whether they register it with the copyright office or not.

Additionally, an unpatented invention can be protected as a trade secret. A trade secret is any information that provides a business an advantage over competitors who do not have access to it. This could include information such as the recipe for a unique product, manufacturing processes, or customer lists.

It is also worth noting that even if the product is not protected by any of the above, you still can't sell it without the permission of the creator or owner of the product, as it is considered unfair competition.

So, it is always best to seek permission or a license from the rights holder before selling or using someone else's product.

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